What is Constellation work?
A phenomenon of subconscious bonds and deep loyalty exists within each family system. Family Constellation work uses this "systemic field" to reveal unresolved traumas in the lives of previous family members, whose fates can persist and become entanglements in
subsequent and current generations.
Acknowledging these conditions can allow a resolution to arise that honours everyone and restores the flow of love and acceptance. This enables healing within the family system.
Using Bert Hellinger's effective “living constellation” method, participants reconstruct their “family system” to identify and solve fundamental issues.
A phenomenon of subconscious bonds and deep loyalty exists within each family system.
Family Constellation work uses this "systemic field" to reveal unresolved traumas in the lives of previous family members, whose fates can persist and become entanglements in
subsequent and current generations.
Acknowledging these conditions can allow a resolution to arise that honours everyone and restores the flow of love and acceptance. This enables healing within the family system.
Using Bert Hellinger's effective “living constellation” method, participants reconstruct their “family system” to identify and solve fundamental issues.
What Happens in the Workshop?
Participants can choose among three levels of involvement:
• Observing from the circled seating
• Representing a person in someone else’s family
• Placing their family in the circle using representatives
Family members are not required in the workshop. We each carry a “knowing field” (family imprint) that brings forth the phenomenon of “family presence” in the workshop.